Accept payments with Stripe

With Stripe it's super easy to accept payments for the services you offer. You need to sign up with an account with Stripe and then connect Stripe and MakePlans.

For more information about Stripe see

Connect Stripe with MakePlans

Go to 'Settings -> Integrations'. Select Stripe from the list of integrations.

Click the "Connect to service' button. This will open Stripe. Enter your credentials to login to Stripe or create a new account. Allow MakePlans to access your Stripe account.

You will then return to MakePlans to select which MakePlans account to connect to. Select your account.

That's it.

Require payment for a service or event

You then need to specify that a service or event should require payment when booking. Go to the service in the settings, or your event. You will then find a checkbox titled 'Require payment'. Check it. You also need to enter an amount. Click save.

Customers now have to enter their credit card and complete a payment before making a booking.

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